Dentures are the best creation to regain your smile after losing a tooth. Aside from restoring your physical appearance, it can also provide you with the confidence to speak publicly. If you are new to dentures and a new wearer, you may experience some difficulties speaking and eating.
It requires patience and adjustment.
Here are some tips for new wearers:
Try reading aloud
Practice reading aloud. It will help you practice your dentures and your jaws. They will continue to adjust accordingly, and it will be easy for you to speak in public.
Bite before speaking
Since you will have some adjustments, practice biting before speaking. It will prepare your jaw and dentures to speak flawlessly. Take a second or minute of biting for effective speaking.
Speak slowly to avoid your denture from making a clicking sound.
Speaking slowly is best if you are a new wearer of dentures. You will convey your message accurately to its listeners. Since you have adjustments, it is best to speak moderately.
Fixodent adhesive
Fixodent adhesive will help you have a stronger dentures bond. To apply, clean your dentures first. Next is to wet your dentures and apply powder in the thin layer. Remove the excess powder by shaking it off. You can now put your dentures on, hold for a while, and you are good to go.
If you want to know more tips about the topic, watch the video.