Have you visited a dentist in the past year?
The answer is very likely no. Turns out a mere 15% of Americans will actually visit their dentist on a yearly basis, with the vast majority visiting every other year, every few years or not once. Dentists aren’t just there to give you a lecture about flossing, but are able to pinpoint any problems cropping up beneath the surface. This can include gingivitis, the eruption of wisdom teeth and even the potential for a root canal! Instead of shrugging off a visit to the dentist check out the top five reasons you should reach out to dental care in your area this new year.
You Could Have A Hidden Cavity…Or Two
Cavities are nasty little buggers. They creep up on you out of the blue and, before you know it, you’re favoring one side of your mouth while you chew or outright avoiding very cold foods. Instead of letting a cavity rule your life look into local dentists and ask for a check-up. Turns out one out of every five American adults is estimated to have at least one untreated cavity, with this number even higher for marginalized groups, working-class populations and older adults. If you’re worried about price, check out sliding scale dental care services in your area to keep your budget in the green.
A Root Canal Is A Very Painful Experience
Neglecting a cavity isn’t an option after a while. You can risk getting a root canal, a condition known for affecting the very sensitive nerve beneath the tooth and causing you a world of hurt. When left unchecked this pain can turn into further inflammation or even an infection that can see you getting surgery! If you suspect you’re developing the onset of a root canal a trip to the dentist will pinpoint the problem, its source and provide you options for care. While a toothache can erupt from eating too much sugary food or a lack of flossing, a serious toothache could be a sign of something else entirely.
Your Wisdom Teeth Are About To Pop Out
Got wisdom teeth? You may need to take them out soon. Turns out over 80% of adults need to have their wisdom teeth removed in order to stay healthy and avoid complications such as the aforementioned root canal or an impacted tooth. The latter is very painful and can cause complex surgery to reverse, with potential side-effects including permanent jaw damage and deep infection. Your dentists can determine whether or not your wisdom teeth need to be removed by looking at a few factors, including crowding, inflammation and chronic toothache.
Your Gums Keep Bleeding And You Don’t Know Why
Say you do brush regularly and aren’t afraid of root canals or needing dentures in the near future. What if you keep getting bloody gums? It’s possible you have gingivitis or periodontal disease, both common conditions that are characterized by excessive bleeding, sensitivity and mild to severe swelling. While not serious inherently, it should be reversed as soon as possible to avoid the possibility of infection. This can be easily avoided with routine flossing, as removing stuck food and bacteria from between teeth will do wonders for maintaining steady oral health.
You’re Tired Of Your Crooked, Yellow Or Spotted Teeth
Last, but not least, dentists are great at helping restore your smile once more. Maybe a few years ago you felt great grinning in polite company, but nowadays you’re struggling under the weight of yellow spots or a crooked tooth. Dental work includes cosmetic upgrades, including veneers for additional shine or a teeth whitening session to buff out those brown spots. While you will likely need multiple sessions to completely reverse some of the heavier issues, a single visit can already put you on the fast track to a better smile. Those with crooked teeth don’t have to worry about clunky braces, either, as invisible braces are more popular than ever!
Visit your general dentist this year and ask for a check-up. It’ll be much easier to smile after a cavity filling or teeth whitening session!